I obtained an M.Sc. in telecommunications from the Warsaw University of Technology in 1985, and in the same year, I started to work at WUT as a researcher at the Institute of Telecommunications. In 1994, I received a PhD with honours from Warsaw University of Technology after defending my PhD thesis entitled „The usage of the statistical properties of the training set in learning the multilayer perceptron.” I started to work as an Assistant Professor. My present research topics include 6G/5G networks, network slicing, orchestration and autonomic and cognitive network management. My latest research interest includes the security of 5G and virtualized solutions. In the past, I was also working (in chronological order) on VANET, wireless mesh networks, multimedia systems, artificial intelligence and digital signal processing of images, speech and radar signals. From 1998 to 2000, I also worked part-time as a technical consultant to Lucent Poland; from 2000 to 2002, I served as an advisor to the president of Tel-Energo, a telecommunication branch of the Polish Power Grid Operator (PSE). In 2003 I started to work part-time as a Research Expert in the research lab of Polish Telecom (Centrum Badawczo- Rozwojowe Telekomunikacji Polskiej), which, after ownership change, is now Orange Innovation Poland.
I was a member of the Scientific Council of Orange Labs Poland (2011-2013) and and a member of the Section of Telecommunication of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Polish Academy of Science (2015-2019) and member of Scientific Council of National Institute of Telecommunications (2018+).
1992: Ecole Nationale des Telecommunications (ENST, now TELECOM Paris) – 6 months;
2001: Grenoble Institute of Technology (INP Grenoble) – 1 month.